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I like the art and the little tune, i am scared of the thing that tries to make me into cream cheese. Good job! I am not great at getting to high altitudes but the jumping feels really smooth.


Hey, great job! The in-game art, especially the platforms and the schmear, are really visceral and well rendered. I like how they look a lot. Running away from a schmearing butter knife is a novel conceit for this form of game. The level generation seems fair and about the right amount of challenge, and having those boost berries is a nice feature. This is a nice high score game with nice graphics and simple yet fun gameplay.

For critique, I'll say that your game suffers from the same issue as mine: it's loading too many assets when the game-world is being opened. I nearly gave up because the load time made me think after a while it was a software issue. I think you may want to consider reducing texture size / music quality, perhaps.

In some instances there would be platforms that were just a few pixels out of my reach. It's sometimes bad to have that happen because players aren't sure if they're inputting the wrong movement, and might keep trying again and again to get it.  Doing extra work to ensure 2 platforms aren't generated too close to eachother improve the visual design a bit, sometimes.

It seems that you give players score points for making progress in the vertical direction, which I like, but it appears to only happen after you reach a decent amount of progress? I think it would be more transparent to the player why their score is increasing, if it did so the moment they made progress. I believe doodle jump leaves visual markers in the game world to indicate to you when you are reaching a high score.

I think the cockroach animation springs a little too late, making it look as if they're pushing off of thin air. The walk animation could also be sped up, for a more accurate "scurrying" kind of feel to it.

The graphics seem to have some aliasing that might be improved by doing a renderer that isn't set to nearest neighbor. For e.g. the cockroach's antennae look aliased. I think it would look better "smooth" and not "pixely" if that makes sense.

Allowing the player to make variable height jumps ala Mario would make this game a bit more interesting in my opinion, as some short hops can be made a lot faster if given that option.

I know I gave a lot of critique, since you solicited feedback, but overall this game is really nice with crisp readable graphics and easy to play casual fun. Y'all should be proud.

Thanks so much for the feedback! This was detailed and very helpful. Me and my team will take the time to consider all of this and try to implement anything that we think makes sense.

(1 edit) (+1)

Bug report: enabling and disabling dyslexic font seems to cause an issue with glyphs being rendered.


Really liked this! good art, well made!


This reminds me of the old jumping game i used to play on the phone with pencil graphics i forgot the name. Good job!

Ah yes, doodle jump. ^^
I'm not sure if it is very visible but I tried to give all Graphics the optics of being drawn with Alcohol Markers (copics) :3


Weby Gut Gaimeee

I feel good that i got a supa hiiigh scoreeeeeeeee

Actually reminds me a lot of Doodle jump so Great job man!


we really need to make a Leaderbord for this